We are a people on a mission, with a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the earth.

We’re not made up of tons of programs. We don’t have something going on every night of the week. We rather like the idea of simplicity that was set forth in the early church. Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Later on, in verse 47 it says that “the Lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved.” That’s the kind of simplicity that Conduit Church is committed to.

Our Beliefs

We are devoted to the Bible.

We teach the scriptures, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. We believe that the Word will do what God promises. When we go through the Bible, the Bible goes through us. It’s not an academic exercise. It’s an encounter with a supernatural God through the pages of this supernatural communication He has given to us.

We are devoted to fellowship.

Not just hanging out, but the Biblical Koinonia kind of fellowship. It involves serving each other, sharing with each other, and a deep relationship. It means that we share our lives. It also means that we share with our brothers and sisters in need. It’s part of the DNA of Conduit. We’re not socialists, and don’t believe this is a forced thing. Rather we believe that the Spirit will prompt each of us to give according to what we’re able.

We are devoted to breaking bread
in communion.

Jesus said we should do this often and we believe that. It’s at the Lord’s table that I’m reminded of our sinful nature, and we’re reminded of the blood of Christ that washes it away. We’re reminded of His body that was beaten that we might be healed.

We are devoted to praying.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in our own cleverness and ability and forget that we’re dependent on the Lord. Jesus Himself prayed and even gave us a perfect outline for how we should pray. We make our requests known, but ultimately we’re reporting for duty.

We kind of like the simplicity that getting together, studying the Word, praying, taking communion, and having fellowship provide.

We don’t get bogged down with programs and rules and regulations and extra-Biblical requirements. We think Jesus likes it too.